“What would you like for Christmas?” Chris asked of me.
“Nothing. I have everything I want,” I said, “except… perhaps?”
“Perhaps you could write me a poem?”
That’s approximately how the conversation went just before our first Christmas together twenty-one years ago. Since then I’ve a poem for every Christmas, birthday, Valentine’s Day and even those days when nothing was special but I needed a lift. To date I have seventy-five poems from my beloved. Most are humorous, some are romantic and they chart our life together. All show how well Chris knows me.
I wasn’t disappointed this year, either; I had all I wanted for Christmas and more – he wrote me two poems! And here they are below… Hope you’re all enjoying Christmas!
Also see the additions to the family this year, including two day old little Lillibet.
BIBI’S BEAUTIFUL BABY (Bibi is me – Grandma!)
Well, nearly my baby!)
My sweet baby Penny, she’s top of the tots
with her velvet brown eyes and her freedom from spots
and her giggling laugh in her baby culottes
she’s the cream of the crop, and the queen of the cots!
She’s cute and adorable, my baby P.
and I’ve waited so long for her sweetness to see
But now that she’s here I’m as proud as can be
She’s put joy in my heart, and she’s my cup of tea!
When she beams me a smile I can feel my heart melt
it’s as though all along she would know how I felt
and of all the fine aces that could have been dealt
She’s just so “Pennylicious”, (and that’s not mis-spelt!)
She’s a real “fashionista”, all thanks to her Mum
dressed up to the nines, she’s as sweet as a plum
and when she’s all sleepy, to dreams she’ll succumb
while I gently ponder on what she’ll become
As I gaze in her innocent eyes I can see
all the life and the love that was always to be
and I know that this beautiful child is part-me
she’s so nearly my daughter, this sweet Penny P.
So, Lady Penelope, always be sure
that your BiBi will love you, whatever the score
and when you’re grown up and have boyfriends galore
I’ll still be there for you, it’s you I adore!
For Penelope, and Her BiBi Sally, on Christmas Day 2017
A Pastiche, with apologies to W H Davies
(A Christmas poem for Sally -December 25th 2017)
What is this life if, full of woe,
we have no time to take it slow
No time to stop and take our ease
enjoying leisure as we please
No time to lose ourselves in song
and feel the music all day long
No time to lay amongst the flowers
and make sweet love for hours and hours
No time to pause in Life’s mad rush
to seek the peace of gentle hush
No time to gaze in wonderment
at Nature’s beauty, heaven-sent
No time to share our happiness
with all the friends who we possess
No time to take our exercise
to shrink our waists, which we despise!
No time to spend a day alone
and carry on without the phone
No time, even, to write this verse
(which as you see is getting worse!)
A poor life this if, full of woes,
we’ve barely time to blow our nose
So…please remember, it’s just fine
to take a break at Christmastime!!
- True love
- Peas in a pod
- And what would you like for Christmas?
- Come and sit upon my knee
- Or I’ll sit on yours
- I didn’t expect this!
- She can read upside-down!
- Santa’s helper
- Can’t ‘elp it…
- Our Singapore Sweethearts
- Ooh, a card from Bibi
- It must open somehow
- Oh, I love it Bibi!
- I want to be in the National Elf Service!
- Bibi, do you like Christmas pudding?
- A smile to melt a grandmother’s heart.
- The latest oil painting – a darling one-year-old who gave me a cuddle when I took his photos
- The pencil sketch framed for Christmas