How about an Australian joke from our good friend Roland, otherwise known as “The Bird Man of Brisbane”?
A well-dressed new-comer to a small town somewhere “Out West” calls into one of the local pubs and makes his way to a vacant stool by the bar. Sitting on the stool next to him is a typical weather-beaten Aussie wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat with corks dangling at the edges to ward off the flies. The local man has a “stubby” (beer bottle) in a cooler on the bar. Down at the foot of the stool is a haggard looking mongrel dog the same colour as the dust from the dirt road – red brown.
After ordering his beer, the stranger turns to the heavily lined Aussie and asks:
“Does your dog bite?”
“No,” the old man retorts succinctly.
“Do you mind if I pat him?” continues the new-comer trying to be friendly.
“Not at all,” says the old-timer putting his beer down on the bar.
The visitor puts his hand down to pat the dog and all hell breaks loose!
“Aaaargh!” screams the new-comer. “I thought you said your dog doesn’t bite?”
“Not my dog, my dog’s at home,” replies the ancient Aussie with just a hint of a smile.
Below is a recent photograph capturing the antics of some wild lorikeets on Roland’s bird table… also a neat film I produced using material from our friend. (Note the film has been speeded up as it was rather long originally – hence, the chipmunk narration, which is quite funny!)

‘Struth, mate! I thought Skippy was dead!