Isn’t it funny how life just seems to get busier and busier? If I don’t write a blog post for a few days it’s usually because there has been so much going on, which has been the case this week.
As you will see from the photographs, when not on the farm, gardening or cleaning, I have been hard at work painting. Firstly there was my sister Mary’s birthday present – a painting of little Rosie, aged 19 months – and then I decided to finish the canal painting that I’d begun some time ago when I was giving an art demonstration at Sidmouth , and which was progressed at the art workshop I took two weeks ago. Both paintings were executed using acrylics, hence I was able to finish both paintings within a week.
And now for the joke which came to me by way of our friend Roly in Australia:
The Bank That Went Broke
“Dad, Dad!” shouts an eighteen year old girl as she rushes into the lounge room to find her father.
“Whatever can be matter? Now just sit down and try not to panic,” says her father who is trying not to show that he’s a bit miffed (because he’s watching the Grand Prix live on television – and it’s his favourite programme).
“Oh Dad,” his daughter sighs, “you know that bank you advised me to put my saving in?”
“Yes,” he nods.
“Well I think it must have gone broke!”
“What on earth do you mean?” he asks (quite sure that it hasn’t gone broke).
“Well I went to draw out a hundred dollars today and the teller told me, ‘Sorry dear, insufficient funds”!
- Acrylic on canvas 8″x10″
- After the art workshop
- Finished today!