“Hello Roland, I’m just calling to say that I changed my mind and would like some ice-cream,” I began on my mobile phone, “but, just in case you were thinking of stopping to buy some anyway, don’t do so because I’m at the shops – at last I found the shopping centre at Birkdale!”
“Hi, I didn’t get any because you said you were going to deprive yourself,” answered Roland.
“Are you still at home?” I asked.
“Are you on the way then?”
“Kind of… I’m at some shops. I stopped off to buy a few beers and chocolate – the pedestal fan is in the car for you,” said our old friend, who had kindly offered to lend me one of his fans (as it’s been so hot in last two days).
“How long will you be because I’ll need time to get back to the house?”
“Not long for I’m quite close, in fact I might even be at the same shopping centre as you – I’m in the car park,” added Roland.
“I’m in a car park too. Has yours got a Woolworths?”
“And are there yellow and white awnings in the car park?”
“Are you in Birkdale?” I asked.
I got out of my car and scanned the car park for Roland’s car, which was a bit futile because I don’t know his number plate and didn’t have my glasses on anyway; besides which, most modern cars look pretty much the same to me. I heard a whistle and Roland came bounding over.
A few minutes later we were coming out of Woolworths with a tub of delicious ninety-seven percent fat-free chocolate ice-cream (how do they make it taste so nice?); Roland was walking his usual ten paces ahead and didn’t hear a woman’s voice call out:
“It can’t be for me,” I thought, “I don’t even live here!”
“Sally!” the voice became insistent.
“Sue!” I said, upon turning around to see my ex-sister-in-law, “what are you doing here?”
“I live here,” she laughed.
Well, what do you know? The little suburb of Birkdale – between Wynnum and Wellington Point – is the hub of the universe after all! It’s a wonder to me now that we didn’t meet Roland’s daughter Michelle who lives in this popular place also.
Sue and Roland joined me at Jan and Neil’s (where I’m house-sitting) and we sat in the relative cool of the Bali Hut where a light breeze almost rustled the palm fronds. We three of long acquaintance enjoyed nearly fat-free chocolate ice-cream, strawberry champagne and beer while we ‘chewed the fat’. And now I’m off to bed with my two fans – the pedestal fan and Doris the cat.
- Fancy seeing you here!
- They aren’t touching my hair!