A Shawshank Redemption Moment

No, it wasn’t a moment like the scene when Brooks Hatlen (played by James Whitmore) hanged himself, nor was it like the gang rape scene (Heaven forbid!); it wasn’t anything like the moment that “Red” (Morgan Freeman) finds the box awaiting him under a stone by a wall near a tree in a field, and it wasn’t even like the scene when Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) asks Warden Norton (Bob Gunton) if he was deliberately “being obtuse”. There are so many memorable moments in the film “The Shawshank Redemption” but the one to which I’m referring is one of the most unexpected and uplifting scenes – when Andy plays the Sull Aria (purportedly sung by Maria Callas) from Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro” over the loud speakers and the inmates (most of whom, ironically, are outside) are transfixed by the heavenly singing.

Not feeling particularly well (after a doctor’s appointment and a mammogram earlier in the day – not connected) I was just about to go to bed when I heard the whistle on my phone which tells me a Whatsapp message has come in. In fact, it was an audio message from our friend Roland in Brisbane. But what a message! Where on earth was he? Beautiful classical music was being played loudly. He was at work – Roly is a painting contractor – on a building site and one of the carpenters is a classical music buff (the tradesmen in Brisbane are a rather cultured lot!).

Dear old Roland, he thought the music would cheer me up; and he was right – I went to bed with a big smile on my face. I’m not at all a classical music buff and even Chris, who is, could not put a definite name to the composition or the composer but he said he thought it was Italian, perhaps Ottorino Respighi. Perhaps you will know the piece: I managed to record the audio message on YouTube and I added a few photographs of the work site and its beautiful surrounds so that you’ll be able to imagine yourself listening to the music on site. Sadly, I’m not an expert at transposing sound recording clips from Whatsapp to YouTube… But you’ll get the picture.

Speaking of pictures, the butcher at our local Sainsbury’s supermarket (sorry I’m always going on about supermarkets) is something of an artist and wit, and he’s rather desperate to sell expensive lamb. Here are some of the offerings he chalks up on his blackboard…


Just click on the print in blue to listen to Roland’s recording.

A Shawshank Redemption Moment

And now for the real thing: according to YouTube (they recognised that the music has copyright restrictions) and they kindly informed me of the name of the piece in question. Simply click on the blue print below and listen to what the tradesmen enjoyed.

Gaîté Parisienne: Allegro moderato (Mesdames de la Halle …

13 Feb 2015 – Uploaded by #ManuelRosenthal

Gaîté Parisienne: Allegro moderato (Mesdames de la Halle) ….Valse moderatoVivoValseAllegro moltoValse moderato (excerpts)  …