Wowee! Look at those waves! They are incredible! I wish we were down with you to see them (and for lots of natter too of course!) Chris said he wishes it had of been a bit stormy at night to see the waves on the sea wall so I shall send him the link, although I am super happy we had good weather for lots of fun adventures
Lots of love xxx
Well, a full moon, especially a red one in total eclipse, as on Monday night at 3.00 a m, is pretty well guaranteed to make a big splash!
Wowee! Look at those waves! They are incredible! I wish we were down with you to see them (and for lots of natter too of course!) Chris said he wishes it had of been a bit stormy at night to see the waves on the sea wall so I shall send him the link, although I am super happy we had good weather for lots of fun adventures
Lots of love xxx
Well, a full moon, especially a red one in total eclipse, as on Monday night at 3.00 a m, is pretty well guaranteed to make a big splash!