If you thought “The Laughing Policeman” was funny, you should like this! Just click on the image and you’ll be in Youtube…
The Laughing Poet Not the Laughing Policeman
This is the actual recording of a message I sent last night to one of my friends in Australia. It was past midnight and I was rather tired but I had a fit of the giggles after hearing again the previous recording I had made, which was incredibly loud (and I didn’t know how to alter the sound levels at that point).
I noticed also that it might seem strange to my friend that I had begun writing epic poems on the subject of “Love crimes”. Of course, it will be a major work as I am a descendant of the great Dorset poet, William Barnes who, it is said, would have been up with Shakespeare in the literary stakes had he not been such a stickler for writing in the Dorset dialect; he had hoped to keep it alive by his writings, but was unsuccessful. I hope I shall be more successful with my own stab at my future poems,”Love Crimes”. Naturally, I shall be changing the title after publishing this audio film on Youtube, and you can be sure also that I shall not be using my real name!