Not only did we have a delicious lunch at John and Barbara’s favourite garden centre but also I found some novelty soaps which I thought would make nice presents for my Australian friends and family. The bars of soap looked like abstract paintings with swirls and circles, and different colours – some even aped confectionery; and each different variety had a particular scent and a name to best represent the soapy smelly artwork.
I chose six cakes of soap and put each into its own cellophane bag (it was similar to a sweet-shop ‘pick and mix’) but, of course, there were no labels on the bags to indicate the names. So I took photographs of the names, the idea being that I would print out the names and descriptions and pop them in with each respective soap. Unfortunately, I wasn’t wearing my glasses when I took the photos, otherwise I might have noticed that two of the descriptions were intended for our European neighbours…
- Ja ja!
- Only for Spaniards – they are more passionate than English folk!