The only trouble with taking photographs of the tempestuous sea from behind closed windows is that the water dripping down the outside of the glass obscures the view.
“Don’t open the window Darling,” said Chris masterfully. We were in the third storey bedroom at the time.
“But I can’t get any good shots,” I argued.
Ignoring Chris’s advice (I’m not very dutiful), I continued to struggle with turning the handle against the force of the gale. At last I managed it and the window blew flat against the wall.
“I won’t be long,” I assured Chris.
And I wasn’t.
During the recent storms, the only trouble with taking photographs of the raging sea below whilst standing in the open window of the upstairs bedroom was that the gigantic waves were being carried upwards by the gales…
However, to illustrate my point I have also added photo’s taken behind glass. I particularly like Chris’s seagull and sunset shots (about four o’clock these days)!
- So much clearer
- Behind the closed window!
- If only we could see it through the dirty glass…
It would seem that, in spite of the raging storms, the waves don’t reach quite high enough to wash the windows!!
I know. Rather embarrassing – isn’t it? That’s what you get living so close to the sea. Let’s hope that some nice clean rain will do the trick.