Yesterday afternoon I collected Daniel, Mary and Charlotte from school and took them to the hospital where their mother, my niece (also my nineteenth birthday present), is awaiting the birth of another baby girl. As we were walking back to the car in the hospital car park I called Charlotte “Little Lotte”.
“Is that my nickname?” asked the six-year-old.
“Yes, what do you think? Is it alright?” I queried.
“Yes,” she smiled, seemingly rather delighted to have a nickname.
“What about me?” asked Mary (aged seven).
“Now let me see…. You are graceful and athletic… so how about Fairy Mary?”
Fairy Mary nodded and smiled her assent.
“Have you got a nickname for me, too?” Daniel came up beside me.
“Hubba Bubba!” I said quickly.
“Why Hubba Bubba?” asked Daniel (aged ten).
“Oh, for no other reason than it was the first thing that entered my head. What do you think? Is it alright?” I replied. I assumed that Hubba Bubba was too young to remember or know that my inspiration came from the name of a bubble gum which was around in the seventies. (Perhaps it remains so but I’m not at all sure, considering I no longer chew bubble gum.)
“That’s fine,” he said laughing (maybe he knew it was a bubble gum and the notion tickled him!).
Later on, back at the home of my nieces and nephew (with the great nicknames), I was talking to my sister, who had come to take over from me, when Little Lotte interrupted the conversation.
“Sally,” she began, “I’m not sure that I want to be called Little Lotte…”
“Well, how about Lovely Lotte and… (I turned towards Fairy Mary) Fabulous Fairy!”
“It’s quite nice but I’m still not sure,” said Lotte.
“Okay. Now let me think of what other…..” and I paused for a second or two to consider which was the appropriate word to use for children of their ages.
“Adjectives,” suggested Fabulous Fairy helpfully.
“Why of course, adjectives. You know about adjectives?” I was amazed.
Incidentally, Sporty Lotte, is extremely happy with her particular adjective. Cute kids!
- Hubba Bubba, Sporty Lotte, Lizzie Bee (alias Lizard) and Fabulous fairy!