May the Lord make us truly thankful! They are the men in orange who toil under the moonlight and electric lamps to rebuild our sea wall at Dawlish.
At midnight I was out on our terrace with my Canon camera and tripod. Whilst some of the photographs could have have come from the film-sets of “Alien” or “Terminator”, don’t you think that a few are rather Turneresque?
- The Electric Light Orchestra?
- Skeleton Staff?
Weird…and wonderful! A strange parallel universe, eerily visible only at night; reminds me of the H G Wells short story “The Plattner Story”, where the man in the title suffers damage from an explosion – a chemistry experiment gone wrong – and enters a strange, dim parallel world where lost dead souls float around fretfully like ghostly balloons!!
P S Yes, I’m sure that’s Turner’s ” Fighting Temererrairrre”(sic) in the top left hand corner, is it not? (pic no 4)