Confucius Say: On the Subject of Diet

“To the ruler, the people are heaven; to the people, food is heaven.”
(ancient Chinese proverb)

Confucius say: “Coarse rice for food, water to drink, and the bended arm for a pillow – happiness may be enjoyed even in these.”

Dr. Dukan say: Eat no fruit, you get slim, ma Cherie (he’s French)

Dr. Clements (from Dawlish surgery) say: If two lettuce leaves make you fat, eat only one lettuce leaf!

Chris Orpwoo’ (husband) say: Have chocolate, put you in good mood.

Confused (me) say: ” Confucius say: ‘Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?'”




2 thoughts on “Confucius Say: On the Subject of Diet

  1. Ah so! I say; Eat, dlink and be melly (not smelly!)- for tomollow we diet”

  2. happeee in love she say she giv sally three leaf lettuce for sally chocolate

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