We hosted the bookclub meeting yesterday afternoon. Actually, Chris isn’t a member of our bookclub (he’s not a “clubby” person – cuddly, yes, clubby, no!), nevertheless, I use the term “we” because the group came to our house; and, whilst I saw to the edible refreshments beforehand (thus enabling me to devote my entire attention to book matters), Chris was in the background but on-hand as tea-and-coffee-boy for the duration.
As always, our book club meeting was informal and friendly. The bookworms sat in the lounge-room and enjoyed my butterfly cakes (which hadn’t suffered too much from their three day spell in the freezer) as they began the discussion on “The Long Walk to Freedom”, the brilliant book by the late great Nelson Mandela.
Our treasured fellow bookworm, Robin, phoned to say that he had difficulty finding our house and Mary (my sister) and I went out to the road in order to hail him down.
“Your hair looks nice!” I said by way of a greeting to Robin.
“Oh, it’s just the rain – made it curly,” he answered.
Once seated in the lounge-room and handed a cup of coffee and a cake, the subject again turned to Robin’s hair.
“Gee your hair looks nice!” said Katie.
“It really suits you longer,” agreed Diana (or was it Elizabeth?).
“You look like a Greek God,” said one of the other male bookworms (perhaps a little facetiously).
“I don’t know about Greek God – more like ‘Oh God, the Greek!’ replied Robin, maybe a little embarrassed, and we all laughed.
Bearing in mind that Robin is a leading light of the bookclub, he might also have been called a “Geek God” but nobody said it, not even our non-clubby coffee-maker, who was doing his bit in the kitchen at the time.
You might say “Hair today, God tomorrow!!”