Eureka! I have found the secret to losing weight…

Imagine my surprise when I jumped on the scales this morning and found that I had lost nearly a pound. I was so thrilled that I’ve been thinking about it all day. What was it? How can it be? After all, I didn’t do any exercise at all yesterday – the bad weather prevented me from stepping outside the front door – therefore the miraculous loss (well, it is so hard to lose anything!) must be down to diet…

Yesterday morning I had half a bowl of own-brand bran flakes for breakfast, nothing too different there then because I always have bran flakes or porridge when I’m being good… For lunch I had that nasty dry tuna – in fake mayonnaise – with lettuce and watercress that I told you about in my blog (and very vile it was , which was why I told you about it). Could my weightloss be down to that awful tuna and watercress salad? I hope not. I was going to have some of the leftovers for lunch today but I couldn’t bring myself to go through with it when I opened the lid of the container in the fridge, and I made a prawn and crab stick salad instead. Oh, please God that it wasn’t the tuna that did the trick… But I digress…

No, I believe the secret to my overnight success was down to half a portion of fish and chips for dinner (chris and I shared it – we both want to lose weight). I could cope with a diet of fish and chips -what a pleasant way to lose weight!  Tonight we’re having a healthy stir fry and if the scales are not kind in the morning I shall know for sure that the secret is small fish and chips… or horrible tuna and watercress. If the latter turns out to be the secret I’m happy to share it with you, and I wish you every success, but I will wait until I’ve gained more weight before I resort to such desperate measures.