In Love!

It has been an odd day, full of anxiety and highs and lows, but as the day draws to a close I’m happy. It’s too late, and I’m a little too tired, to go into it on my blog tonight but I shall reveal all tomorrow if you don’t mind. Luckily, I can nearly always seem to call upon interesting snippets or poems (as in this case) to amuse my readership – at least I hope that you are amused or entertained! This morning I received this poem from one of the poets amongst you. Isn’t it a joy to hear that people are in love?


 You always used to tell me “Go shopping, it’s the place to meet and greet,
Well I went shopping yesterday and I must say it worked a treat.
The vegetable area was first in line as to me they should be first in the trolley,
There’s no point of putting a cream cake in first, that’s stupid and utter folly.

The meat was next, followed by the bread and, of course, the eggs on top,
For I’m not only a good looking 61 year old – I actually do know how to shop!
Detergent, toothpaste, soap as well, you know the stuff you use every day,
Sorry if I’m boring you but I’m leading up to what I have to say.

I turned the corner and, lo and behold, a beautiful sight did meet my eyes,
My chest started heaving, I could feel my pulse, and I could even hear my sighs.
What is that in front of me, begging me hither and to stay for a while?
I don’t know how to say this my dear, but I’m in love with the confectionery aisle!


How cruel to write of the confectionery aisle when I would so dearly love a nice line of rich dark chocolate at this very moment! I had a sliver of pork tenderloin and a few mushrooms a short while ago and now I’m thinking how good it would be to round off my mean little meal with something sweet. I must recite my new mantra – “A delicious Dukan dinner makes you thinner, while pud’s for Billy Bunter make thighs like thunder!” It’s a rather long mantra, which makes it hard to sink in.

Back to the subject of love, when I entered our lounge-room this morning I found Andy and Flea having an innocent cuddle in an armchair (see photo). I think they really are in love – well I didn’t put them there. I also have a feeling that my sister, Mary, wondered where her reading glasses got to yesterday….